Becoming Stitches:
- is a Canadian, woman-owned business.
- is located in a rural, agricultural community.
- opened in May, 2001.
- utilizes Wilcom Embroidery Studio e3 top level commercial embroidery software,
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018, Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, and Photoshop 2019, and
Microsoft Office 365.
- is owned and operated by Jean Gervais.
Jean Gervais:
- has been digitizing professionally since 1997, and has additional experience in embroidery production and management,
sales, clerical, staff training, embroidery machine operation, maintenance and repair, and graphic design.
- has a Bach. of Computer Science degree with a minor in Mathematics and equivalent to minor credits in Fine Arts.
- is married with four children, and enjoys country living in a rural community on the Canadian Prairies.